Having lived in Red Bank since 2000, I have always been attracted to the small town, main street America vibe. While Red Bank has changed a bit aesthetically – for me that small town vibe has grown each year through the communities of which I am a part of – school and most recently business.
My children started attending Red Bank Primary School in 2009 and since then I have made sure to become a part of the community – just like so many first time parents I was excited to support our PTO and other activities for my kids. Through that I met a very progressive, smart, community-driven, set of parents. Not only are these parents bake sale volunteers, these parents are community advocates. Most recently they’ve turned their strength towards issues like supporting arts and music in our schools and the disparities in school funding in our local schools
Last year, when we were launching our new marketing agency, Red Bamboo Marketing, we decided we wanted our offices to be right here in Red Bank. We previously had offices in Woodbridge, NJ. So, we found a space and set up shop. Last week we celebrated our first year with an anniversary party in our offices on West Front Street. We not only had a wonderful turn out of clients, vendors, family and friends – but also the support of the Red Bank business community. Sogo Sushi catered the event and went overboard with the amount of food that we had ordered – they provide complimentary extras, so we didn’t need to worry about running out. Laura Dardi, local chef donated all of the organic Asian-themed desserts which were pleasing to the crowd. Finally, local business Femme Fatal Floral (848-456-9696), run by Olivia Keithley, transformed our office space, provided live bamboo favors and beautiful floral arrangements. Much of which she donated for free.
This party was a testament of the community I was looking for when I came to Red Bank fifteen years ago. I can’t wait to see what happens over the next fifteen years!