Jennifer Garcia:
Partner & CEO
I am thankful for…
Being able to pick up my daughter Carla from Pre-K everyday – it’s her first year in school and she is literally laughing every day when I arrive. Not just smiling but smiling, so much – gushing, that she is laughing.
Watching the relationship between my daughters, Claudia and Eva – the way they are literally best friends. They support each other, dream up games and projects together, are competitive together and of course fight together too.
My business partners and colleagues because especially over the last 10 days, I have seen how I can rely on them, being able to let go of some of the worry myself and see that other people will step in to help when times get tough. This I am so happy to have and to have discovered because even though you may know it – until times get tough you are never certain.
Our trip to Disney, gave me time to spend with my brother and sister in law and my husband and ENJOY. Everything went so perfect, it left me craving to go back. I pray for more family trips like this together, especially so I can spend time with the adults in my life that are so important to me. The next time, I hope we can all be there including my mom, my other brother and my Spanish Family.
Finally, there are so many little things I am thankful for, simple things, especially nature – for me the sunsets over my porch in Red Bank are nothing short of a miracle – beautiful.
Alberto Garcia:
Partner & COO
This year, I’m giving thanks for:
- My family in Spain and in the US; for their love, health and positivity.
- My “other family” at Red Bamboo Marketing for their friendship, hard work and love for what they do and for others supporting F.O.R.C.E, Central Jersey Blood Center, Hope for Children Foundation and others organizations and clients.
- My friends, no matter where they are for supporting me, listening to me, loving me and making me laugh. I am ALWAYS there for them whatever they need.
- Our clients for letting us be part of their teams, helping them to grow together not only professionally but also personally by building great and lasting relationships.
- God for being healthy, blessed with a great family and friends and a great company that is GENUINELY GROWING!
Thankful for getting:
- Along with Thanksgiving dinner, turkey, drinks and family laughs – I am thankful for getting Black Friday deals!
- Pepo’s first Thanksgiving in the U.S. at the Garcias!
Stephen Murphy
Partner & CMO
It’s easy to lose sight of all the wonderful experiences and privileges we enjoy every day. We’re constantly bombarded with a negative worldview – between tragic newscasts, bickering facebook feuds and constant water cooler complaints, we slowly take for granted all the little things that make life worth celebrating.
And that’s what makes today so special. Thanksgiving is a time where we can all practice an “attitude of gratitude”, helping us appreciate the positive forces in our lives.
Here are a few of the things that I’m thankful for, today and every day:
- I’m thankful to be surrounded by truly incredible people that make every day a unique experience. My family is fun, supportive, sweet, goofy and caring – attributes I hope to emulate in my life. My soon to be family-in-law has embraced me with open arms, despite my big mouth and whacky ways. My work colleagues are intelligent, driven and genuinely people I enjoy seeing every single day – they make going to work an endeavor worth enjoying. My friends are always there to encourage/challenge/hang/call me out, whether we’re knocking a few back or having a heated debate. And of course, my incredible fiance is my rock. She makes life better across the board, and I couldn’t imagine my future without her.
- I’m thankful to live in a world and a time that enables me to learn, explore and take risks with ease. The internet lets me learn anything I want almost instantly. I can travel freely and quickly to anywhere I want. Food is plentiful and entertainment abounds. I couldn’t imagine living in a place or time where these opportunities didn’t exist.
- I’m thankful that Tony Romo is back, and helped snap this horrendous 7-game skid. A 3-7 record and only 2 games out of the division lead? I’ll take it.
- I’m thankful that kindness still exists in the world. For all the narcissism and selfishness we promote these days, it’s incredible to see so many people tread against the current and generate acts of kindness. For example, my cousin Michelle raises 3 kids, supports a family working nights/weekends, and still found a way to donate dozens of turkeys and toys to the community to make sure everyone has a Thanksgiving to remember. Or my friend Kristie Kane, who volunteers hundreds (if not thousands) of hours every year across a variety of charities. She sacrifices her time so that others can live better lives. It’s these daily acts of kindness that make me grateful to live in a world where extending a helping hand is still a priority.
- I’m thankful for food and booze…two constants in most of my fondest memories.
- And among other things, I’m thankful that I have so many reasons to be thankful. This to me is the definition of a life well lived.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Katie Krogstad-Roed
Content Director
Family. I count my blessings that I married a man with a great BIG loving family. One as unique as mine 🙂 This Thanksgiving we’ll be heading to Aunt Dianne’s and Uncle Earl’s where we’ll be greeted by more than just amazing food.
Hugs from Aunt Ollie and bad jokes from Uncle Greg;
Hunting and fishing tales from Earl will take center stage.
Dawn’s southern cooking is hard to beat;
and will compliment nicely Dianne’s traditional feast.
Ronnie and Donna will be fighting that day;
over who was loved more by late Grandma Mae.
Laughter will be heard as children frolic around;
as the cousins now grown will wait to chow down.
They’ll be turkey and taters and Elaine’s apple pie;
And my bacon and brussel sprouts (they’re good I won’t lie!)
We’ll say prayers before dinner and bless the food that we eat;
then sit down and gobble turkey like these furry beasts.
Megan Sullivan
Marketing Account Manager
There is a TON to feel grateful for today and everyday. This Thanksgiving I want to give special thanks and gratitude to my father for being the force that he is- and for all he has done for me. Thanks, Dad- for spending hours this thanksgiving eve going to every car dealership in Monmouth county negotiating the best possible deal and for showing us all how it’s done. (We are getting closer!)
And finally, a Thanksgiving poem:
Kelly Martin
Communications Manager
I’m sitting at my desk at Red Bamboo Marketing, which is located in my favorite small-town, Red Bank, NJ. I look to my left and I see that, despite the colder temperatures outside, the sun is shining bright through the window up above me. I follow the ray of light beaming through the glass and I glare for a few seconds at the green bamboo plant in its purple vase that was given to me from my new team as a gift on my first day, a symbol of growth. I take a sip of my coffee, and I smile. I have so much to be thankful for.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is common to think about what we are thankful for…
Ever since I was a young girl my parents instilled in me a grateful heart. I learned quickly the importance of working hard, helping others and sharing wherever or whenever possible. In a world where people often want more, bigger and better, my parents opened my eyes to see all that I had and all that I have in front of me – all which was and is often not materialistic. My parents did this through their words, but more importantly through their actions as well.
As John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
My father is the most understanding person I know. He taught me to always listen to both sides of a story, to put myself in other people’s shoes so to speak (to see their perspective) and to work hard at every opportunity that was given to me.
My mother is the kindest and most selfless person I know. As a nurse, my mom is used to caring for others and she continues to do so for my Dad, my brothers and myself every day. She taught me to believe in myself and to follow my dreams.
In addition to my parents’ guidance and unconditional love throughout the years, here are 7 things I am thankful for:
- I am thankful for my 3 brothers, all unique is their own ways, and all so important to me. Kevin has been a mentor to me since I could remember – his logic and advice is second to none. Ryan reminds me daily that life should always be fun – he has a few cat videos saved on his phone to prove it, and you would never guess that he works in finance! Connor helps me stay grounded and think creatively – his innovative spirit keeps me young.
- I am thankful for my boyfriend Nick. As cliché as it sounds, Nick makes me want to be a better person. Nick is gentle and honest with me, supporting me in everything I do. I aspire to write as eloquently as him one day too and my parent’s hope I pick up on a few of his tactics on staying focused. He is in law school so being focused is key to his success.
- I am thankful for soccer. I played competitive soccer since I was eight-years-old and throughout my college years. Soccer taught me how to be a team player both on the field and in life. From soccer I saw that by giving 110% a team could achieve greatness.
- I am thankful for my health, for being able to: throw a football with the guys, dance (or well, move) in a Zumba class, and most recently, run a half-marathon (without much training).
- I am thankful for this opportunity to write, to do something I love as a job and everyday. I look forward to becoming better at it and to helping Red Bamboo grow from my writings.
- I am thankful for all the positive women (and men!) in my life – my girlfriends, sister-in-laws, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on. They consist of teachers, doctors, nurses, counselors, therapists… the list goes on. They are all amazing people and they make my life better.
- I am thankful that I have time to write what I am thankful for. And for that, I thank all of the men and women who keep our country safe.
Gratitude brings fulfillment and I hope that I can be a positive influence for those around me, encouraging and challenging others while remembering to reflect on all that this good in my life and the world around me, not just on Thanksgiving, but always.
Jenna Vitale
Marketing Intern
First, I would like to start off by saying I am extremely thankful for the experience I had at Red Bamboo this past summer. I learned so much and had the opportunity to meet and work with the great people that make up the RBM team. I have already been able to use everything I have learned through my first semester of my senior year of college, and could not be more grateful:)
Above all, I would have to say I am most thankful for my family. They are always there to support me and help me whenever I need it. I am especially thankful for our Thanksgiving traditions, which consist of my parents, sister and I spending the day eating in our pajamas and watching movies.
Below is a picture of us on our recent vacation to Italy:
Art Director
I’ll let these videos do the talking!
Michelle Sassa
Brand Strategist
I’m thankful each day is only 24 hours, and every 24 hours we get a new chance to do things right.
I’m thankful for tequila.
I’m thankful to live in a country where accepting each other is the price of entry.
I’m thankful I don’t have to hunt and kill my own dinner.
I’m thankful for chocolate.
I’m thankful for my friends and family who make me as happy as chocolate, but with far less guilt.
I’m thankful swimsuit season is many months away.
I’m thankful for this holiday to remind me how blessed I am and hope you are feeling blessed too!
Julie O’Hara
Senior Marketing Strategist
Self Awareness
A loving, giving family
Good health & Wellness
Being American and having freedom
Music by Cake
The Sun
The wind at my back
My Red Bamboo Team and our great Customer Teams
The rivers and oceans and fishing
Most importantly the gift and privilege to raise these two beautiful mates: