John Wanamaker
Optimized marketing that drives conversions!
Unlike its offline counterpart, digital marketing is inherently measurable—allowing brands to measure, understand and influence ROI.
Red Bamboo Marketing is committed to creating all inclusive digital marketing programs that not only drive traffic, leads and brand interest but improve conversion rates. Whether it’s search marketing, social media, website design or a mixed bag, we’ll help you craft the right digital marketing program for your business and track your custom digital marketing kpi’s (digital marketing key performance indicators).
Content Marketing
Our content marketing programs help your brand tell a story that connects your solutions with your customers’ wants and needs.
SEO and Local SEO
Before customers ever think about making a purchase, they turn to Google for research. Does your brand show up? We can help you with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Local SEO to drive more traffic to your website.
Paid Search
Imagine a technology that lets you control and measure every aspect of your ad spend. This tech exists, and it’s called paid search.
Website Design
Your website is a 24/7 sales rep, public relations specialist, product manager and brand rep. Make sure it is doing its job right.
Social Media
Customers are talking about your brand whether you like it or not. Become a part of the conversation with social media.
Email Marketing
Despite decades of challengers, email remains king of hill when it comes to nurturing leads and driving repeat customers.
Check some of our amazing work in our digital marketing case studies and blogs.
Seeing is believing. Send us a note to setup a complimentary digital marketing assessment, and let our team walk you through improvements your brand could use in search, social, usability and more.
Our Digital Marketing Clients Include:
- Video Production
- Railing & Fencing
- Financial Services
- Technology
- Technology
- Business & Data
- Construction
- Nonprofit
- Healthcare
- Fashion
- Insurance
- Nonprofit
- Human Resources
- Real Estate
- Events
- Technology
- Technology
- Technology