Kathleen Kerr, Utility Department Director
Compare The Old & New Sites (click to enlarge):
- Old Site
- New Site
[RED BANK, NJ]: Red Bamboo Marketing (RBM), a boutique marketing firm specializing in nonprofit work, is proud to announce the launch of NJ PowerOn’s new information portal and website, https://njpoweron.org/.
NJ PowerOn, a nonprofit initiative dedicated to expanding utility assistance resources including gas, electric, oil and heating, worked with local leader in nonprofit marketing RBM, to create a new online ambassador. RBM collaborated with key stakeholders to build an updated site architecture including restructuring pages, reorganizing menus, and upgrading the look and feel to be in line with the new website RBM did for the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA), which NJ PowerOn is a division of.
Faced with the constraint of a quick turnaround, RBM produced the website in one month. By implementing a proprietary utility program finder tool, a multi affiliate agency location finder, and igniting a content refresh we were able to provide NJ PowerOn with the new robust website it desired to help connect it, and its affiliate agencies, to those in need.
“I am so excited about the new site. [Red Bamboo has] been wonderful to work with and completed a lot of work in not a lot of time. I was proud to showcase the new site at the Legislative training this past Friday,” says the Director of the Utility Department, Kathleen Kerr.
RBM led the re-design and re-development by strategically implementing a host of new digital features to streamline the user experience and improve user engagement. This new website will help expand reach and increase deliverability of information on utility assistance programs. With a clean new look, enriched content and user-friendly navigation, the website now boasts future-facing functionality and design placing NJ PowerOn at the forefront of serving its community online.
“Our creative process focuses on team engagement from our clients,” said Alberto Garcia, Co-Founder of RBM. “Our team works with our clients, pulling together ideas from both sides, so that the final deliverable is a success.”
For more information on Red Bamboo Marketing’s nonprofit work visit http://redbamboomarketing.com/nonprofit